Africa is rich in natural resources, which is a resource-rich continent. I’m Emmanuel Katto also known as Emmanuel Katto Uganda or Emka Emmanuel Katto, I’m a local journalist from Uganda. Today I will give you more insight into Africa regarding the resources.
Africa is incredibly rich in natural resources. It contains a natural gas reserve of gas and oil which is 10% of the world’s total oil reserve.
It has a vast reserve for minerals such as gold, diamonds, platinum, copper, iron ore and uranium. As said that this continent is a significant producer of oil and natural gas unlike Nigeria, Angola and Algeria which are the leading producers of the same.
According to recent reports around 200 million hectares of land in the sub-Saharan region comprises uncultivated lands that can be put to use which will boost the economy of Africa in production.
This continent is also home to vast timber production due to its forest area, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cameroon and Gabon are leading in timber production. Botswana is home to gem diamond, which is a local producer in Africa, that focus on export and is one of the largest suppliers of diamonds its competitor is Angola but the quality of diamond from Botswana is rare and hard to find.
Tanzania is the fourth richest country in Africa that produces around 10% of Africa’s total gold.
Tanzanite mineral is also found in Tanzania which adds up to 58 billion dollars in the country’s economy.
Nigeria is the biggest producer of oil producers in the world which is in Africa. Natural resources such as natural gas, tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, zinc etc. are found in Nigeria. Nigeria contributes around 10% to the country’s GDP.
Angola, a country in Africa is the richest country in the world in terms of natural resources, reserves of petroleum, diamond, copper, gold and magnesium. According to the reports around 1.5 barrels of oil is produced in a day in Angola. Research also shows that Angola’s economy is one of the largest growing economies in the world.
As we have seen that Africa has a tremendous mineral reserve, but despite having so much of possibilities and being rich in resources, the people are poor here. Due to the government system, terror and political instability the country’s development is hindered.
There is a need to build collaborative support from government and other international bodies along with community engagement to stabilize the normal condition in Africa concerning terror, political instability and other factors so that there will be no barrier on Africa’s way to development.
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